Privacy and information protection policy

By leaving data on the site, you agree to the information of the Privacy and Protection Policy.

Data protection

Site administration (hereinafter - the Site) cannot transfer or disclose the information provided by the user (hereinafter - the User) during registration and use of the site's functions to third parties, except for cases provided by the laws of the country in which the user works.

Receipt personal information

To communicate on the site, the user must enter certain personal information. In order to verify the provided data, the site reserves the right to request identity verification online or offline.

Use of personal information

The site uses the User's personal information to maintain and improve the quality of the services provided. Part of personal information may be provided to a bank or a payment system, if the provision of this information is conditioned by the procedure of transferring funds to a payment system whose services the User wishes to use. The site makes every effort to preserve the security of the User's personal data. Personal information may be disclosed in cases provided for by law, or when the administration deems such actions necessary to comply with a legal procedure, court order or legal process necessary for the User's work with the Site. In other cases, under no circumstances will the information that the User provides to the Site be disclosed to third parties.


After the User has left his data, he receives a message about successful registration. The user has the right at any time to stop receiving messages using the appropriate service on the Site.


The Site may contain links to other sites. The site is not responsible for the content, quality and security policy of these sites. This privacy policy applies only to information posted directly on the site.


The site ensures the security of the User's account from unauthorized access.

Change notifications

The site reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy without additional notice. Innovations take effect from the moment of their publication.

Users can independently track changes in the Privacy Policy.